SDÇ Sertaş Demir Çelik Makine Çember ve San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. has commenced its activities in 1969 by Avni SERTAŞ in Kdz.Ereğli at a workplace of 60 m2 and continued to operate under this name for name for about 10 years in 1983, it relocated to new 200 m2 workplace at the small industrial site of Kdz.Ereğli and continued to operate under the name of SMS Sertaş Makine Sanayi Owing to developing customer portfolio and ever-changing needs, requirements emerged to continue production at a wider area and the company then moved in 2001 to the workplace located at Bölücek Köyü Fabrikalar Cad. 1 km with an open area of 1000 m2 an a closed area of 2500 m2. SMS Sertaş Makine Sanayi was restructured to receive the commerial title of SDÇ Sertaş Demir Çelik Ltd. Şti. Since 1969, the company extended and renewed its bench park; and having adopted its quality policies, it is currently continuing its activities under the management of our company manager Mr.Süreyya SERTAŞ by undertaking production / manufacturing and commitment works releated to machinery and machine spare parts for both the regional and nationwide heavy industry factories.
Our mission as SDÇ SERTAŞ DEMİR-ÇELİK is to share our experiences with you by providing solutions well-matching the requirements to act in compliance to the laws and regulations, to create environmentally sensitive working environments to protext the environment and natüre and to projects by undertaking the responsibility of the work we perform in the frame work of all these aims.
As a leader company always aiming sustainable development and quality in the national and international sector, SDÇ SERTAŞ DEMİRÇELİK has adopted itself as as principle to ensure customer statisfaction with projects sensitive to the human being and the environment in its activities.
Our vision is to become a company that first comes to mind in high quality production and assembly, never losing its quality understanding in its services and that is considered as a solution and business partner by all the customers we serve.